- Departments - Art & Design
Members of Department
Mrs A. Kelly (Head of Department)
Miss C. Early
Mrs S. Kelly
Miss S. McDonald (Technician)

Art and Design is about expressing ideas through a wide range of media from pencil and paint to clay and textiles. The coursework projects enable students to develop highly personal artwork. Students will have opportunities to develop ideas, research and experiment as their practical skills develop with more confidence and independence.
Key Stage 3
KS3 pupils have 1 Double (1hr 20mins) of Art and Design per week.
Year 8
In year 8 the scheme of work has been drawn up to give pupils an introduction to the visually exciting and challenging world of Art and Design. The individual projects are designed to stimulate creativity and to develop pupils artistic skills. In year 8 pupils have the opportunity to develop drawing and painting skills, to explore textiles, clay to learn about the work of other artists, craftsperson and designers.
Year 9
Projects for this year group have been designed to build upon the areas of Art & Design introduced in Year 8.
In year 9 Pupils will learn how to create 3D forms, they will complete ICT tasks with their design project, pupils will develop their skills within drawing and painting. They will learn about artists and the artwork that could inspire their own work.
Year 10
In year 10 pupils are encouraged;
to use their creativity to solve complex problems and to find interesting ways of approaching tasks
to respond in a personal and imaginative way
to develop areas of personal interest
to user their imagination to generate new ideas and to look at things from a unique perspective
be aware of the creative thinking skills required for the world of work
Key Stage 4
In year 11 and 12 pupils are encouraged to develop their individual strengths and interests in Art and Design. Pupils are given expert tuition and guidance in their coursework and examination work.
Pupils for the examination must fulfil the following requirements:
Part One - Core Portfolio, 60%.
Part Two - Externally Set Assignment, 40%.
GCSE pupils have 2hrs 20mins of Art and Design per week.
Key Stage 5
At this level students will be expected to respond creatively to ideas, themes and subjects. They will be expected to analyse ideas, research and appreciate the work of artists and designers and to communicate effectively. Students will be able to choose which areas of Art and Design they wish to focus on.
The AS is the first part of the full A-Level course.
The Art and Design Externally Set Assignment (ESA) is issued at the start of February ensuring that it will be completed by May, which will allow pupils to focus on their other subjects.
A-Level pupils have 3hrs 20mins of Art & Design per week plus agreed study time.
Method of Assessment AS and A-Level
All assignments will be presented for assessment by the teacher and they will be moderated by an external moderator. A project consists of preparatory studies and a final piece.
After School
Art clubs will run this year on a Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday from 3:45pm to 4:45pm.