- Departments - Music
Members of Department
Mrs L. Donnelly (Head of Department)
Mr F. McMullan
SELB Tutors
Mrs Hanna (Upper Strings)
Mrs Curran (Lower Strings)
Ms Prescott (Woodwind)
Ms Prince (Voice / Piano)
Other Tutors
Mr S. Maginnis (Guitar/Drums Tutor)
​Mr Carmichael (Traditional)
St Ciaran’s College has a thriving Music Department where pupils of all ages have the opportunity to be involved in Music in a variety of ways.
Music is studied by all pupils in Key Stage 3 and it is an optional subject at GCSE, AS and A2 level. Music tuition is provided in strings, woodwind, voice and piano by the Southern Education and Library Board peripatetic music tutors. Guitar, drums and traditional tuition is provided by independent tutors. In addition, there is a strong tradition of Irish traditional music in St Ciaran’s College, and the traditional group has grown since its formation many years ago.
The Department provides opportunities for all pupils from Years 8-14 to come together to enjoy and perform music. Pupils are involved in the preparation of music for the many school liturgies, assemblies and retreats. St Ciaran’s College has a strong choral tradition since winning the coveted ‘UTV School Choir of the Year’ and pupils are invited to become members of the school choirs. In addition to the Junior and Senior Choir and Traditional group there are other musical ensembles that perform at a wide range of events both local and beyond. The philosophy of St Ciaran’s Music Department is to meet the needs of all pupils whether they are composers, performers, or those who simply enjoy listening to music.
Extra-Curricular Timetable

Key Stage 3
The topics covered in Year 8, 9 and 10 include:
Music Theory
Performance Skills
Instruments of the Orchestra
Baroque Music
African Drumming
Film Music
Bass clef and riffs
12 bar blues
Programme Music
World Music (Samba)
Music Technology (Garageband)
Within these topics pupils;
Learn to read music
Perform music
Listen to music
Compose music
Perform in time with backing tracks
Develop music technology skills
2 compositions
One is free choice
One based on a stimulus
Pupils must submit a commentary for each composition
Completed by April of Year 12
Worth 30%
1 solo performance
1 ensemble performance
Pupils will also complete a discussion about their performance
Please note pupils should be taking lessons in an instrument / voice to gain access to the top mark band
Assessed by eternal examiner in April of Year 12
Worth 35%
Pupils will focus on four areas of study. They will learn set pieces of music from each area
1. Western Classical Music
2. Musical Traditions in Ireland
3. Popular Music
4. Film Music
One listening exam
1 hr 30 mins
Based on extracts from set works and unfamiliar music
Worth 35%
AS / A2 Music - CCEA
1 composition based on a stimulus.
Pupils must submit a commentary for composition
Completed by April
AS Worth 32.5%
Worth 13% of A2
A2 Worth 19.5%
1 solo performance
Pupils will also complete a discussion about their performance
Please note pupils should be taking lessons in an instrument / voice to gain access to the top mark band
Assessed by eternal examiner in April
AS Worth 32.5%
Worth 13% of A2
A2 Worth 19.5%
Responding to Music
Pupils will focus on four areas of study. They will learn set pieces of music from each area
Music for Orchestra
Sacred Vocal Music
Secular Vocal Music
Music for orchestra int the 20th Century
One listening exam and one written exam
Based on extracts from set works and unfamiliar music
AS Worth 35%
Worth 14% of A2
A2 Worth 21%