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Eco Villain

A number of KS3 classes in the Geography and Science departments recently entered a competition organised by the Housing Executive's Sustainable Development Unit, in collaboration with Eco-Schools NI, in order to design an Eco Villain.

Huge congratulations to Alise Avena in 8PH who was selected as one of the 5 winners from 1700 entries!

Alise won a laptop for herself and £500 prize for the school. An illustrator has turned her design into an animated character that will be used as part of a comic strip!

The Awards Presentation was held on Monday in Malone House, Belfast and Alise is pictured receiving her eco-laptop and case from Gemma Cowles of the Housing Executive Sustainable development Unit.

Also pictured is Alise's very proud mother and Mrs McLoughlin, her geography teacher.

Well done, Alise!

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