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Buddy Bear Trust

On Thursday 26th January, Miss Donnelly, on behalf of the St Ciaran's community, visited Buddy Bear Trust Conductive Education School, Dungannon. The school specialises in helping children with Cerebral Palsy and Motor Disorders. Mr Brendan McConville, Director and Founding Member, was delighted to give Miss Donnelly a tour of the school, where she met and observed teachers and pupils. She was warmly welcomed to the school by Principal, Ms Ildiko Veres.

Miss Donnelly concluded her visit by presenting the Principal with a cheque for £500 in support of their work. Ms Veres thanked St Ciaran's for their generosity, on behalf of teachers, pupils and parents.

We would like to extend our thanks to all who supported our recent Carol Service and contributed so generously to charity. Without your support such contributions to local charities would not be possible.


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