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The St Ciaran’s family are banding together once again to make improvements in the educational experience for all of our pupils.

Before COVID our St Ciaran’s Connected group organised various events to help raise money to upgrade the school’s IT facilities. We have already seen the benefits of additional IT resources as we recently won the IT Excellence Award for post-primary schools.

To reach the monetary sum required to refurbish two classrooms, we are having an Easter Draw.

Each family will be given numbered cards for the draw and we would like all families to sell at least 4 tickets at £5 each. Thank you to all of those who have purchased/sold tickets already.

Easter Draw Prizes include:

  • 1st Prize - £1000

  • x4 Runner-Up Prizes - £200

Good luck everyone!


  • Pupils who sell more than 10 tickets will be entered into the draw for free

  • There will be a £30 voucher and Easter egg for the pupil(s) who sell the most tickets.

  • To make things easier, you can also purchase your tickets online using PayPal (friends and family). The cost is £5 per ticket and we will email you back with your ticket number.

  • The email to use for our PayPal is:

  • The draw will take place before the Easter holidays on Tuesday 4th April.


15 Tullybryan Road, Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone, BT70 2LY

028 8556 8640     |      Fax: 028 8556 8660

© 2023 by St. Ciaran's Ballygawley. Design by Wholeschool

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