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Future Focus Careers Fair ‘24

On Monday 26th of February St Ciaran's College hosted our 'Future Focus' careers fair for pupils in our transition years.

Parents/Carers were cordially invited to attend this event with their child.  It was an exciting day, providing our pupils and their parents the opportunity to listen to and interact with exhibitors from various institutions and industries. Pupils were able to gain key pieces of information, like what the benefits are of studying certain subjects at GCSE or A-level, employment opportunities after school/college and pathways to employment e.g. Apprenticeship, Degree, Higher Level/Degree Apprenticeships etc., aiding our pupils when making decisions about future subjects.

The format of the day followed:

§  9:30am – 10:30am Post 16 with their Parents/ Carers

§  11am – 12pm Year 10 with their Parents/ Carers

§  12pm-1pm Year 12 with their parents/ Carers


All pupils were provided an engagement card to fill out at the fair.  Well done to Dervla, Mairead and Conall who won the engagement card draw at our school Careers Fair. They positively interacted with different businesses and organisations at the fair. They are pictured with the Head of Careers, Mr McManus who presented the students with Begley's Sports vouchers.

Following on from our successful 'Future Focus' Careers Fair last week, we would like to thank all of the exhibitors and organisations who made the effort to attend and make the event so valuable for our pupils.

Feedback from parents, pupils and exhibitors has been extremely positive. Thank you again to everyone for all of your help connecting with our young people. This has been very helpful for our pupils with both their school subject options and future career paths.


15 Tullybryan Road, Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone, BT70 2LY

028 8556 8640     |      Fax: 028 8556 8660

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