In the last week of June we said farewell to two of our longest-serving and dedicated members of staff, Mrs Nuala Muldoon and Mrs Mairead Owens, who have taught in St Ciaran’s for a combined total of almost sixty years.
Embarking on their careers at St Ciaran’s during the 1990s, they taught a multitude of subjects across the curriculum: Business Studies, Home Economics, Irish, History, Technology, Religion - to name but a few! It is clear that Mairead and Nuala served their colleagues in almost every area of our school syllabus. Always champions of promoting an engaging and immersive learning environment for their students, both teachers truly “included everyone” and “inspired all to succeed” in their classrooms.
Whether it was taking on roles such as a Year Head or Head of Department, no challenge was ever too great for two such hard-working members of staff, with both women having held various titles and responsibilities during their teaching careers. Moving on to becoming members of our Senior Leadership Team, Nuala and Mairead carried themselves with faithful devotion to the care and welfare of their pupils, all the while greatly supporting their colleagues with their unfaltering leadership skills.
During a special presentation on Wednesday 28th June, in which Mairead and Nuala were joined by their appreciative colleagues to mark their retirements, Mr Lavery emphasised the “indelible mark” left in St Ciaran’s by the two ladies.
For many years to come, pupils will hold dear memories of how Mrs Owens and Mrs Muldoon challenged them academically and nurtured them pastorally.
On behalf of all here at St Ciaran’s, we would like to wish Nuala and Mairead many happy years of retirement and thank them dearly for all they have done for us.