On Wednesday 15th June, we held our annual Saint Ciaran’s Charity Initiative (SCCI), in partnership with Kieran Magill Chartered Accountants.
This event takes places each June, with the aim of developing our pupils’ capabilities in public speaking, alongside having a deeper awareness and understanding of the aims and services of the charity they choose to represent in their presentations.
Nine teams shared emotional, personal and compelling presentations on behalf of their charity and spoke about how the donation of £2,000 kindly donated by Kieran Magill and Company Chartered Accountants would benefit each organisation.

It was evident that pupils have made some genuine connections with all of these worthy charities. They had all been in touch with their charity- phone calls, zoom calls and in-person visits. Adjudicators Mr Kieran Magill, Principal Mr Lavery, Head of Year 10 Mrs Murphy and Head of Year 11 Mr Lennon were given the arduous task of selecting an overall winner to receive £2,000 for their chosen charity.
After a long deliberation, the Southern Area Hospice group, represented by Cerine Tber, Aoife Rafferty and Emer Quinn was announced as winners! This event was a credit to our pupils' commitment and passion. They demonstrated a variety of skills including oration, empathy and working with others and we could not be more proud of all the effort they put into their presentations on behalf of all their chosen charities.

We thank the Religion, English and IT departments for all the help they offered our pupils and we are indebted to Kieran Magill for his generosity and philanthropy in sponsoring this very worthwhile initiative.
The charities represented at the final were:
1. Rural Support[10RP]
Conor McCrory, Odhran O’Hanlon

2. Peter McVerry Trust [10CD]
Gearoid McDonnell, James Loughran, Cormac Carberry

3. Southern Area Hospice[10PL]
Cerine Tber, Emer Quinn, Aoife Rafferty

4. Paths [10EM]
Kyra Mc Elroy, Chloe Nugent

5. Niamh Louise Foundation [10DW]
Seainin Donaghy, Grace Donnelly, Ita Bell, Lauren McElmeel

6. Superstar’s Club [10CL]
Cara McGirr, Niamh Cullinan, AimeeShiels, Neva McMenamin

7. Sands[10CD]
Kyla-Rose McElvogue, Ashton Beattie, Mollie Colton, Odhran Callaghan

8. Errigal Truagh Special Needs [10DW]
Cora McGarvey, Cailin McKenna

9. Pieta [10CL]
Kristen Nugent, Aoibheann Shevlin, Tanisha O’Neill